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Basic cataloguing, databases and metadata for AV media

Title (author1): 
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National Library of Sweden
Presentation type: 
8 October Wednesday
Start time: 
CFB Committee Room

This tutorial is mainly aimed at institutions with limited experience of working with cataloguing, databases and metadata. It will primarily deal with published material and concentrate on sound recordings, but some attention will also be given to film/video, radio/TV broadcasts and multimedia (computer games).

We will look at basic data elements, such as titles, names and functions/roles, label and number, place, name and date of publication/broadcast, place, date and circumstance of recording, copyright, summary, classification, subject headings, technical description (extent, carrier type/format, duration) with examples of full catalogue records on different levels. A list of cataloguing standards will be given with links to websites.

Different kinds of databases will be briefly discussed, and solutions from the Swedish Media Database (SMDB) will be presented regarding database structure, useful fields/features, description of tracks/parts of a phonogram or a video recording, linking of different editions to one main catalogue record and description of boxed sets/kits.

Metadata is the last part of the tutorial and here emphasis will be given on how an institution can import metadata (and digital files) from producers and broadcasters, with examples shown from the experiences of the National Library of Sweden. Finally metadata standards and identifiers will be presented in short with links to websites.