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Title Presentation type Surname (author 1) Countrysort ascending Date Start time Venue
Solution for automatic repair of defective MXF Files at ORF TV-Archives spoken paper Lorenz GERMANY 5 October Sunday 1400 CFB Auditorium
Disaster, preservation and recovery tutorial Häfner GERMANY 8 October Wednesday 1100 CFB Committee Room
Audio Data Reduction: Pros and Cons tutorial Häfner GERMANY 8 October Wednesday 0830 CFB Committee Room
The Charles Cros collection: knowledge and enhancement of a unique French recording and playback machines collection spoken paper Loyant FRANCE 6 October Monday 1400 CFB Auditorium
A tale of two media formats: The digitization project at the University of the South Pacific spoken paper Yusuf FIJI 6 October Monday 1530 CFB Auditorium
Virtual National Phonotheque in Czech Republic poster Sir CZECH REPUBLIC 7 October Tuesday 1000 CFB Reception area
Managing an Oral History Video collection: a case study on the CPDOC's project "Football, Memory and Heritage" spoken paper Bortolotti BRAZIL 6 October Monday 1430 CFB Auditorium
Identifying typical cases for which the current ways of cataloging, retrieving and accessing remains effective tutorial Marechal BELGIUM 8 October Wednesday 1530 CFB Committee Room
Preparing a rich, important and diverse archive of global origin for digitization, access, and re-use in education panel session Merten BELGIUM 8 October Wednesday 1400 CFB Auditorium
Making headway through Sound audiovisual archives: Utilising technology to connect and enhance access to information in Zimbabwe poster Chisita ZIMBABWE 7 October Tuesday 1000 CFB Reception area
Community, Memory, and Ethical Access to Music from Africa and the United States spoken paper Wallace UNITED STATES 9 October Thursday 0930 CFB Auditorium
Digital Curation & Preservation Tools: Validation, Automation, & Detection tutorial Lyons UNITED STATES 9 October Thursday 0830 CFB Committee Room
FADGI’s Diverse Approaches to Digital Video Format Guidance spoken paper Murray UNITED STATES 9 October Thursday 1200 CFB Committee Room
Collecting Stories of the US Freedom Struggle: A Case Study in Production, Preservation and Access from the US National Library spoken paper Shankar UNITED STATES 6 October Monday 1600 CFB Auditorium
Early Born Digital: Preserving the Content of a Transitional Tape-based Digital Format spoken paper Seay UNITED STATES 7 October Tuesday 1100 CFB Auditorium
Comparisons of transfer methods for early ethnographic cylinder recordings spoken paper Gray UNITED STATES 7 October Tuesday 1200 CFB Auditorium
The End of Analog Audiovisual Media: The Cost of Inaction & What You Can Do About It spoken paper Lyons UNITED STATES 7 October Tuesday 1230 CFB Auditorium
Putting Archival Audiovisual Media into Context: An Archival Approach to Processing Mixed-media Collections spoken paper McShea UNITED STATES 8 October Wednesday 0930 CFB Auditorium
Making Metadata Best Practices that Content Managers USE spoken paper Gough UNITED STATES 8 October Wednesday 1130 CFB Auditorium
Europeana Sounds: Europe's digital sound archives at your fingertips spoken paper Ranft UNITED KINGDOM 9 October Thursday 1400 CFB Auditorium
