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Titlesort descending Presentation type Surname (author 1) Country Date Start time Venue
Content and Context: challenges of an ethnomusicology archive spoken paper Chaudhuri INDIA 8 October Wednesday 0900 CFB Auditorium
Creating a Digital Asset Management System for African Collections spoken paper Larsen SOUTH AFRICA 9 October Thursday 1100 CFB Auditorium
Curating the Hidden Years Music Archive: Challenges and Opportunities spoken paper Lambrechts SOUTH AFRICA 6 October Monday 1300 CFB Auditorium
Digital Curation & Preservation Tools: Validation, Automation, & Detection tutorial Lyons UNITED STATES 9 October Thursday 0830 CFB Committee Room
Disaster, preservation and recovery tutorial Häfner GERMANY 8 October Wednesday 1100 CFB Committee Room
Early Born Digital: Preserving the Content of a Transitional Tape-based Digital Format spoken paper Seay UNITED STATES 7 October Tuesday 1100 CFB Auditorium
Europeana Sounds: Europe's digital sound archives at your fingertips spoken paper Ranft UNITED KINGDOM 9 October Thursday 1400 CFB Auditorium
FADGI’s Diverse Approaches to Digital Video Format Guidance spoken paper Murray UNITED STATES 9 October Thursday 1200 CFB Committee Room
From Broadcasting to Archiving spoken paper Assmann SOUTH AFRICA 9 October Thursday 1330 CFB Auditorium
From the 'Eternal Carrier' to the 'Eternal File'. The Change of the Audiovisual Preservation Paradigm started 25 years ago spoken paper Schüller AUSTRIA 5 October Sunday 1130 CFB Auditorium
Getting digitizing off the ground in The Gambia spoken paper Sjöberg SWEDEN 7 October Tuesday 1130 CFB Auditorium
IASA-TC 05 Handling and Storage of Audio and Video Carriers - Part A tutorial Schüller AUSTRIA 6 October Monday 1530 CFB Committee Room
IASA-TC 05 Handling and Storage of Audio and Video Carriers - Part B tutorial Schüller AUSTRIA 7 October Tuesday 0830 CFB Committee Room
Identifying typical cases for which the current ways of cataloging, retrieving and accessing remains effective tutorial Marechal BELGIUM 8 October Wednesday 1530 CFB Committee Room
Making headway through Sound audiovisual archives: Utilising technology to connect and enhance access to information in Zimbabwe poster Chisita ZIMBABWE 7 October Tuesday 1000 CFB Reception area
Making Metadata Best Practices that Content Managers USE spoken paper Gough UNITED STATES 8 October Wednesday 1130 CFB Auditorium
Managing an Oral History Video collection: a case study on the CPDOC's project "Football, Memory and Heritage" spoken paper Bortolotti BRAZIL 6 October Monday 1430 CFB Auditorium
Media Preservation at Indiana University: A Report on the Archives of Traditional Music and the MDPI spoken paper Bradley AUSTRALIA 8 October Wednesday 1330 CFB Auditorium
Music heritage archival ethics: issues in repatriation, research, community education and revitalization spoken paper Thram SOUTH AFRICA 8 October Wednesday 1700 CFB Auditorium
One Small Step For Tinfoil…But A Whole Giant Adventure For A South African Audio-Visual Archvist: A 23 Year Odyssey spoken paper Grové SOUTH AFRICA 8 October Wednesday 1100 CFB Auditorium
