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Sharing knowledge and work to preserve the cultural heritage of indigenous peoples of Mexico

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Comisión para el Desarrollo de los Pueblos Indígenas
Presentation type: 
spoken paper
9 October Thursday
Start time: 
CFB Auditorium

As a result of the program: training of trainers - developed by IASA - in recent years there has been carried out the training of indigenous personnel at 10 cultural broadcasters spread in 6 states of the Mexican Republic. These sound archivists in turn are speakers of indigenous languages and have an important role in their communities by being custodians of a memory of the sound of their peoples. Likewise with the help of them has started digitization of cultural collections in two indigenous broadcasters in the states of Hidalgo and Oaxaca.
This process requires the use of specialized technical solutions to complete the rescue of analogue material and transfer to digital media in order to preserve and disseminate the recordings.Training on the fundamentals of media and equipment involved in the digitization is important to develop the full knowledge of the capabilities of the tools available in the broadcasters that are in remote communities and in different environments.