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Title Presentation type Surname (author 1) Countrysort descending Date Start time Venue
Content and Context: challenges of an ethnomusicology archive spoken paper Chaudhuri INDIA 8 October Wednesday 0900 CFB Auditorium
Users Speak: Preservation And Access Of Audio Visual Information In Kenya spoken paper Njoroge KENYA 6 October Monday 1630 CFB Auditorium
Who is speaking?: putting recordings in context spoken paper Grosa LATVIA 8 October Wednesday 1600 CFB Auditorium
Audiovisual Knowledge Management and the Fear to Lose Control spoken paper Jähnichen MALAYSIA 9 October Thursday 1030 CFB Auditorium
Connecting communities, the cataloging work at the CDI spoken paper Ordoño Vidaña MEXICO 9 October Thursday 0830 CFB Auditorium
Sharing knowledge and work to preserve the cultural heritage of indigenous peoples of Mexico spoken paper Delgado MEXICO 9 October Thursday 1200 CFB Auditorium
Practical workshop in digitizing tapes workshop Sanchez Zamorano MEXICO 7 October Tuesday 1100 CFB Committee Room
The sound archive at the school . A collaboration proposal to prevent violence in early childhood education spoken paper Rodríguez Reséndiz MEXICO 7 October Tuesday 0830 CFB Auditorium
Collaborative learning at SRCI poster García MEXICO 7 October Tuesday 1000 CFB Reception area
Voices of the Patagonia Austral: digital sound preservation panel session Navarro ARGENTINA 9 October Thursday 1130 CFB Auditorium
Challenges of preserving content of audio visual materials: a comparison of Botswana Television Services and Namibian Broadcasting Corporation spoken paper Phuthologo NAMIBIA 7 October Tuesday 0900 CFB Auditorium
Promoting access to audiovisual records in Namibia poster Lukileni NAMIBIA 7 October Tuesday 1000 CFB Reception area
The Social Networks Pilot: Creative Re-use of Dutch and British Sound Archives spoken paper Komen NETHERLANDS 9 October Thursday 0900 CFB Auditorium
The Day The Earth Moved Under Our Feet spoken paper O'Connell NEW ZEALAND 8 October Wednesday 1030 CFB Auditorium
Media Preservation at Indiana University: A Report on the Archives of Traditional Music and the MDPI spoken paper Bradley AUSTRALIA 8 October Wednesday 1330 CFB Auditorium
Sound in the Spotlight spoken paper Davies AUSTRALIA 8 October Wednesday 1630 CFB Auditorium
Storage of Digital Video Highlighting the Austrian Mediathek’s Project to Create Intelligent Storage Using Standard Hardware and Free Software tutorial Lewetz AUSTRIA 9 October Thursday 1030 CFB Committee Room
IASA-TC 05 Handling and Storage of Audio and Video Carriers - Part A tutorial Schüller AUSTRIA 6 October Monday 1530 CFB Committee Room
IASA-TC 05 Handling and Storage of Audio and Video Carriers - Part B tutorial Schüller AUSTRIA 7 October Tuesday 0830 CFB Committee Room
From the 'Eternal Carrier' to the 'Eternal File'. The Change of the Audiovisual Preservation Paradigm started 25 years ago spoken paper Schüller AUSTRIA 5 October Sunday 1130 CFB Auditorium
