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Title Presentation type Surname (author 1) Country Date Start time Venuesort descending
Sharing knowledge and work to preserve the cultural heritage of indigenous peoples of Mexico spoken paper Delgado MEXICO 9 October Thursday 1200 CFB Auditorium
From Broadcasting to Archiving spoken paper Assmann SOUTH AFRICA 9 October Thursday 1330 CFB Auditorium
Europeana Sounds: Europe's digital sound archives at your fingertips spoken paper Ranft UNITED KINGDOM 9 October Thursday 1400 CFB Auditorium
Solution for automatic repair of defective MXF Files at ORF TV-Archives spoken paper Lorenz GERMANY 5 October Sunday 1400 CFB Auditorium
IASA-TC 05 Handling and Storage of Audio and Video Carriers - Part A tutorial Schüller AUSTRIA 6 October Monday 1530 CFB Committee Room
IASA-TC 05 Handling and Storage of Audio and Video Carriers - Part B tutorial Schüller AUSTRIA 7 October Tuesday 0830 CFB Committee Room
TC03: Archival Principles in Audiovisual Preservation tutorial Prentice UNITED KINGDOM 6 October Monday 1300 CFB Committee Room
Practical workshop in digitizing tapes workshop Sanchez Zamorano MEXICO 7 October Tuesday 1100 CFB Committee Room
Disaster, preservation and recovery tutorial Häfner GERMANY 8 October Wednesday 1100 CFB Committee Room
Audio Data Reduction: Pros and Cons tutorial Häfner GERMANY 8 October Wednesday 0830 CFB Committee Room
Basic cataloguing, databases and metadata for AV media tutorial Johanssen SWEDEN 8 October Wednesday 1330 CFB Committee Room
Identifying typical cases for which the current ways of cataloging, retrieving and accessing remains effective tutorial Marechal BELGIUM 8 October Wednesday 1530 CFB Committee Room
Providing Access to the South African National Film, Video and Sound Archives spoken paper Languza SOUTH AFRICA 5 October Sunday 1100 CFB Committee Room
Connecting knowledge: Some not so well considered facts about ageing in plastics spoken paper Wallaszkovits AUSTRIA 6 October Monday 1430 CFB Committee Room
Digital Curation & Preservation Tools: Validation, Automation, & Detection tutorial Lyons UNITED STATES 9 October Thursday 0830 CFB Committee Room
FADGI’s Diverse Approaches to Digital Video Format Guidance spoken paper Murray UNITED STATES 9 October Thursday 1200 CFB Committee Room
Storage of Digital Video Highlighting the Austrian Mediathek’s Project to Create Intelligent Storage Using Standard Hardware and Free Software tutorial Lewetz AUSTRIA 9 October Thursday 1030 CFB Committee Room
Virtual National Phonotheque in Czech Republic poster Sir CZECH REPUBLIC 7 October Tuesday 1000 CFB Reception area
Blended Learning approach for Digital Curation Course with reference to the Library and Information Studies Centre poster Bitso SOUTH AFRICA 7 October Tuesday 1000 CFB Reception area
Making headway through Sound audiovisual archives: Utilising technology to connect and enhance access to information in Zimbabwe poster Chisita ZIMBABWE 7 October Tuesday 1000 CFB Reception area
